Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quick Update

Our stay at Children's was short again, thankfully! The surgeons said his Omphalocele is looking great and were very pleased with his progress. His hernia is not an emergency, but Dr. Warner is going to do surgery on them (he has it in both inguinal canals) next Monday. While I don't like the idea of Hayden having to be put under anesthesia an extra time, Kelsea and I don't think it's fair to him to make him continue to deal with this. We were happy to hear Dr. Warner wanted to go ahead and do it because I didn't think the fellows were too keen on the idea of doing this. This is the most common surgery among babies and should be a simple procedure with no complications.

I was able to get some good sleep last night and hopefully Kelsea can continue for another hour or so. After getting about 90 minutes Sunday night (I finally had to kick Kelsea off the couch for a quick nap) I feel a ton better.

Kelsea's mom is coming in on the train today and we are very excited to have her here for a few days. The love, support, prayers, and gifts continue to pour in and we are so appreciative of what friends, family, and strangers continue to do to shower Hayden, and Kelsea and I, with love. We just hope that someday we can continue to do the same for others.

Hayden was also 8.9 lbs this morning! We will be so happy once he reaches that next number on the scale! We also stopped using the two side foam inserts in his car seat because he is filling that out quickly!

We are praying for a calm 6 days so we can get to his surgery without any hiccups. However, I feel better after being around the doctors for 18 hours and having them show us again several times how to reduce his hernia if needed. Dr. Asbury had showed us as well, but in the end, we're not em really sure what were pressing on and don't want to hurt anything!

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